Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Final Essay - Socializing and Learning English

Final Essay

What Is It Like For Me to Learn and Socialize in English

     For me, I had a fairly easy time in school. For a bilingual school, my school concentrated a lot on English. I am a quick learner and I do socialize very well. Socializing and learning in English was never a problem for me as my first language is English. Today, to me English plays an important part of my life as I use it every day to do many things.

     I always found it easy to socialize in English. I am actually better at it than when I do it in Thai and this is due to the years I had, spending a lots of time practicing and developing my English skills. It was ever hard for me to make new friends using the English language, I don’t have much trouble doing this as I do in Thai. There’s no misunderstanding or awkward moments when I try to say things and it is great. Today, I have friends from all over the globe on the internet and using English is just a bliss as we could share fun stories and chat to our hearts content.

     It’s very easy for me to learn just about anything in English. I have my parents and my teachers to thank for my knowledge and understanding of the language today, because of them I just take English like a duck takes to water. It was when my school turned full on international was when things got real and English became a big priority of the school.  I do however sometimes struggle a little bit with spelling mistakes and the occasional usage of wrong grammar and tenses and back in the day I was a very slow reader, I could see the words and read them in my head but it used to take me twice as long to pronounce the words.

     Using English is usually a doddle to me. I can speak and write whatever I want without having to put too much thought into what I’m going to say and that’s just great. However, sometimes mishaps do happen. I may say something the wrong way or something that just didn’t make any sense or just plain and simply sound very silly of me. This is more often or not the case of me saying or writing something too fast for me to fully comprehend the information. It’s a good thing that this happens rarely, no one is perfect after all.

     It was never difficult for me to either learn or socialize using the English language. In point of fact I am very thankful for it. It’s my first language and I’ve had all the practice since when I first learned how to speak and thanks to the exposure to the language on a daily basis both at home and t school it all had a positive effect on my development on the language. I was always pushed hard in learning English to get as good as I possibly could, even if it meant that I had to spend multiple hours of the week in a special class just so that I could develop the skill to read out loud faster in English. I’m very grateful for all the hard work that many people had put into me to get me to the skill level that I am at today just so that I’ll never have any language barrier in the English language and so that many opportunities could be open to me and I can comfortably and confidentially take them.

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