This Class
I expect to do very well in this class. I have taken this class before during my summer intensive English course last year and now I am going to expand on it a bit more. Hopefully my past experience will help me improve on what I have already learnt.
I expect to be able to write fully fleshed out essays with full confidence and as few mistakes as possible. I would often spend a little too much time on thing on what topic should I write about and how they should be written. Writing a full essay without stopping halfway through to think of what I am doing is correct or not is a bit of a struggle for me to do, especially when I already have everything planned out from the start.
My determination to do my very best will assist me in getting the grades that I am looking for. I have the fixation to continue working on my works to the best of my abilities on till it is finished. Often I would spend hours on end to get as much as possible done for the day. Because of my hard work to do my best, it all does eventually pay off in the end when my grades are given back to me.
While I have the determination to work, that only kicks in when I am working on a piece. I can often turn out to be too laid back on my work, leaving to do it at the last minute possible or get really distracted on doing other things. Because of this behavior it does have an affect on my performance. The stress level will increase as the due date creeps up closer and closer, forcing me to speed things up on my work. This could have an affect on my grades as my performance in my works will not be at its best and I may end up forgetting to add in some details which would leave my assignment incomplete.
Despite having some minor bad character traits of laziness I should be doing well in this class over all. While I can easily get distracted I can just as easily get back on track and start doing or continuing my assignments. I have the advantage of being able to quickly research up on information and type very fast which does help speed things along. My English is already very good and this class can help me to improve it to make it better and help to make me more confident in my writing skills for my assignments.